Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thank you my friends. Many of you have reached out to me and I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart how special it is to hear from each you and how much it means to me. I hold each of you very high. I think all of you are very special. Many of you Have a God given gift that I never had. I never could reach out to friends and acquaintances that were suffering similar challenges to what I am currently wrestling with. I never knew what to say. I was always uncomfortable. I often thought, heck they want to be alone. I do not want to disturb them, how will I be of any help? Now, being on the other side I realize I was so wrong in not propelling myself to be a man of service to others. Just being there with an email. A phone call, with a little message, this is serving.
I decided to start this blog. I guess it is therapeutic. I want others to learn from my experiences. I would hate this whole journey to go without something good coming out of it.
Here are a few of my thoughts for today. Christians Rock! It is amazing the power and strength that I feel from my Christian community. Those that are strong in their faith and not afraid to show it are inspirational to others! Many of my non-Christian friends (and many struggling with their faith) have commented “you are dealing with this so well”. My Christian friends do not say that, they know I am not dealing at all. I have totally turned over the keys to this old car and am letting the Lord drive. I encourage each of you to do this in your daily life. Do not wait until adversity strikes.
If you step into my office you will see a book sitting on my desk, “Jesus as CEO” I used to try to read a page every now and then to help me start my day off in the workplace with the proper focus. I often laughed to myself. I figured a bible on my desk would be a bit over the top but I could get by with a book... No….my lesson for the day: Do not be a closet Christian! Wear your faith open, public, and share it! You will be inspiration to others.

I am going to do a bible verse for the day. I figure you may get something out of it and, if nothing else, it will show you where my head is at. In closing tonight: Romans 12:3-9

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