Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thanks and Praise Be to Our Almighty Father!

Sorry I have not been on here sooner, I had my surgery last Friday, February 12th. Throughout this entire experience I have felt God embracing me, holding my hand, walking me down this path of faith. God has given my surgeon remarkable skill and wisdom so that he was able remove virtually 100% of my tumor. More importantly this whole experience has not been and affliction but a great gift to offer Christian witness unlike any opportunity I have been given my entire life. Please take a minute to read II Corinthians 5:17. When all of you face afflictions in your life, treat them as an opportunity to turn a new page and may the challenges you face open up new doors to clearly see the road the LORD as set before. Turn it into a good road. A road of service that the LORD has given you.

I feel very blessed to have gone through this faith building experience. Hope to write more soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Snow

Well, Here we are still digging out from our major East Coast snow storm and we are going to get dumped on again with 12-20 inches starting today through Wednesday. I am a little concerned since I have to go in for a bunch of pre-op tests on Thursday to John Hopkins. I am sure a few Angels will appear to help us out on the drive in the early morning snow.

Nancy and I went out today to stock up on a few provisions. It was good for me. I used to go at a pretty fast pace. Going from 150 mph to a dead stop can give a guy whiplash….lol Therefore, I have decided I need to keep active at what I can feel good doing…exercise…physical activity… relieves a lot of unneeded anxiety (definitely a tool of the devil)

Sleep seems to be at a bit of a premium now also, it does not come long and well. Not do to worry….I guess it is just being jacked up on Steroids. It amazes me that a healthy athlete would do this to himself to get a little bit of an edge. We got an interesting email from my niece in Texas. She is a doctor…she brought s rather simple perspective to this brsin tumor. In short, it is a lot like real estste….location, location, location. Also, she pointed out that there is not a lot of extra roon inside the head. extra cells need to be removed! Hence, the need for surgery.

Pray that I get a little more sleep. Last night I spent my sleepless hours doing research. I know am officially over informed on brain tumors (smiles).

Bible Verse of the Day: Isaiah 12:2

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Take time to Laugh

Most of you that are reading this know that i have a brain tumor. So far it is only afecting my vision - fortunatly. Well, yesterday, as much as I wanted to get some emails done and get caught up on things back in the office, I decided my eyes were not cooperating so I might as well do something productive nd clean up some of the snow. I went out and started snow blowing the driveway (so I thought)and then my wife comes out remining me that i was slearing the lawn and not the driveway.....laughes. if she thinks I drive a snow blower bad, you should see what I do with a car (shutter). There must be a reason I turned to the passage in the bible PSALM 16:11 "Thou wilt make known to me the path of like" I hope that includes that path of the snow blower in the future :-)

My verse for the day, let's all do this : Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord continually before me

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Find the Beauty in all around you!

It is easy to miss the beauty of the moment when we are traveling in the fast lane. Please, I plead with all of you, take those few seconds to look outside your field of view. It is amazing what you will see, the snow covered beautiful world (certainly here in Washington today), so peaceful and tranquil, the twinkle in the eye of a child, the bird in flight searching for food, the smile from those saround you, the ice on the water.

I missed my posting yesterday. I do realize that I do need rest. My body reminded me that yesterday I was functioning at a slower speed.
We have an awesome God. My verse for today: Psalm 136: 1-9

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi All I got to go to Virginia today. It was probably the closest I have had to a "normal routine" in the last week. For those of you that are not aware , I am not able to drive. I have lost my left peripheril vision and, although I pobably could drive, you would not want to be on the raod with me. I often had to face the traffic on the Washington beltway, but this time I had a driver, my wife Nancy (The best!). It was nice to see the few I ran into at the office. I am convinced more then ever that the team will do just fine in my absence.

I said at the start I wanted to make this a learning experience. Today is not wasted. I look at everyone differently now. I feel that this experience has so far forced me to see the good in everyone. I often would not look past the surface. I was never the touchy feely kind of guy. Well.... I have now come out of the closet. I will take all hugs openly, not just in the closet! :-) lesson for the day - Share your feelings. Do not keep them in side. We are a community and a community means reaching out to each other. It helps.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thank you my friends. Many of you have reached out to me and I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart how special it is to hear from each you and how much it means to me. I hold each of you very high. I think all of you are very special. Many of you Have a God given gift that I never had. I never could reach out to friends and acquaintances that were suffering similar challenges to what I am currently wrestling with. I never knew what to say. I was always uncomfortable. I often thought, heck they want to be alone. I do not want to disturb them, how will I be of any help? Now, being on the other side I realize I was so wrong in not propelling myself to be a man of service to others. Just being there with an email. A phone call, with a little message, this is serving.
I decided to start this blog. I guess it is therapeutic. I want others to learn from my experiences. I would hate this whole journey to go without something good coming out of it.
Here are a few of my thoughts for today. Christians Rock! It is amazing the power and strength that I feel from my Christian community. Those that are strong in their faith and not afraid to show it are inspirational to others! Many of my non-Christian friends (and many struggling with their faith) have commented “you are dealing with this so well”. My Christian friends do not say that, they know I am not dealing at all. I have totally turned over the keys to this old car and am letting the Lord drive. I encourage each of you to do this in your daily life. Do not wait until adversity strikes.
If you step into my office you will see a book sitting on my desk, “Jesus as CEO” I used to try to read a page every now and then to help me start my day off in the workplace with the proper focus. I often laughed to myself. I figured a bible on my desk would be a bit over the top but I could get by with a book... No….my lesson for the day: Do not be a closet Christian! Wear your faith open, public, and share it! You will be inspiration to others.

I am going to do a bible verse for the day. I figure you may get something out of it and, if nothing else, it will show you where my head is at. In closing tonight: Romans 12:3-9